Saturday, January 4, 2014

Witchcraft and Ancestor Worship play important role in decisions by ANC-government in South Africa

Witchcraft and Ancestor Worship – Central to Understanding South Africa:

– Most Europeans and Christians discount African witchcraft as “old wives tales” – it is NOT. Witchcraft in Africa is an extremely potent force which we need to understand given that President Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa, publicly engages in Witchcraft and Ancestor worship with the full cooperation of the ANC leadership.
The image at link expressly shows President Zuma engaging in Witchcraft and Ancestor Worship with a view to securing his re-election. I am NOT saying that he secured the position through Witchcraft. I AM saying it is a powerful indication of where he considers his constituency to lie – he is clearly NOT worried about what religious and particularly Christian, Europeans think but he IS interested in what the great majority of ancestor worshipping, witchcraft practising Africans have to think and he has, correctly, identified these people as his target market. And the ANC leadership clearly agree with him. This highlights one of the great errors of trying to introduce democracy and majority rule in a country where the majority of the population are primItive believers and supporters of witchcraft-rites – which often include cruel torture practices of animals and people.
The majority of Black South Africans still support witchcraft rites where it is regarded as appropriate to impale a man alive on a wooden stake driven through his anus and then rip his guts out as he screams in agony, as was done to the Voortrekker leader Piet Retief’s men. These are people who consider any promise made to the white man as expedient only as long as it serves their purpose of Power-Fear domination, as with Dingaan and Retief – for their latter-day “Peace Treaty” now read “Constitution”.
It is important to understand that African tribal people believe in Witchcraft at extreme levels. Many believe that Witchcraft can render them invincible and this is, at some level, behind the massacre at Blood River where wave after wave of Zulu warriors fell on a near perfect Western defensive position (*a ‘Laager”) and were mown down. Interestingly it is alleged that this was at play at Sharpville AND recently at the platinum-mine strike at Marikana where so many miners were shot dead by the SA Police.

The eating or other use of human body parts is an integral part of witchcraft and human sacrifice, killing of humans in some form or other is integral to progressing to the higher ranks of Witchdoctors. The brutality of farm and other murders of whites in South Africa are certainly, at some significant level, associated with witchcraft and it is quite possible that the majority of murders are performed towards witchcraft goals.

African people use Witchdoctors to curse Europeans — and many Afrikaner families in particular are under strong witchcraft curses – it is not uncommon for such a family to regularly, generation by generation, lose a first born child or have children involved in serious accidents at a certain age. These curses can be cut but it requires recognition of their reality followed by the relevant prayers by a knowledgeable person with the necessary authority to deal with this.

Witchcraft can generate frenzied hostility and blood lust towards opponents, for example at Blood River, the Voortrekkers were met by wave upon wave of impi warriors, who stormed to their death but kept going because they believed their witchcraft rites had made them invincible and invisible to the Boers or immune to Boer weapons.

Witchcraft can be closely associated in South Africa with often very brutal, barbaric and sadistic killings, rapes, etc and these include hacking out of body parts, including hacking out the jawbone as was done to security guards at Lonmin in the run-up to the Marikana shooting.

It is quite possible that many of the killings of Rhinoceros in 2012 (over 600) were associated with witchcraft in South Africa, possibly even with ANC- and/or Presidential approval, hence the inability of the South African Police Service to make any material impact on the situation.

The bottom line — In South Africa we have a President and a Government that publicly resorts to witchcraft and ancestor-worship and all the cruelties these represent. Inherently this means that this government at least condones and, quite possibly, also actively support the sewitchcraft rites referred to above, including murder.

Given that virtually all Europeans are ignorant of this dimension, and most do not even believe witchcraft exists — and given that the ‘demonic energy’ that is kindled by 20,000+ murders and 18,000 culpible homicides a year is immense — it is appropriate to recognize that there are things happening in South Africa which give cause for GREAT CONCERN.

There is a need for massive international pressure on the African National Congress and the South African Government, particularly President Jacob Zuma to end the bloodshed.

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