Saturday, January 4, 2014

SAPS constable Chauke too busy and not paid enough to capture known murder-suspect of Denise Stratford 55, Boschkop

SAPS constable Chauke ‘too busy and not paid enough’ to capture the second known murder suspect of Denise Stratford, 55, 2011
12 May 2013 BOSCHKOP, PRETORIA. An SAPS officer was ‘too busy and was getting paid too little’ to trace down their mother’s known murderer, said Brandon Stratford (29) and brother Duane (32).The murder-suspect’s name, telephone number and address are known. The murdered woman’s two sons said that’s what they were told by the investigating officer Constable Chauke at Boschkop, Pretoria police station when the second suspect in their mother’s murder was not arrested.

This occurred despite the fact that the suspect’s telephone number and address is located in the dossier on the desk of investigatingofficer constable Chauke at the Boschkop SAPS.

A first suspect Jimmy Mahlaba (24) already is standing trial in the Pretoria High Court for the murder of Denise Stratford 55 on November 2011. Her body was found stuffed down a drainage pipe next to an office block in the Mooikloof office park east of Pretoria.

Mahlaba was arrested shortly after Denise’s body was recovered.

Brandon said the murder-dossier was handed to constable Chauke after the previous investigating officers,
w/o Attie Bester and Hilton Botha had resigned from the SAPS.

Botha wrote down the second suspect’s phone number and address in Winnie Mandela-park in Tembisa at the East Rand.

He gave the information to Chauke.

“We left the police to do their jobs but in November it will be two years that our mother was murdered.

Since Botha left nothing was done about arresting this known second suspect.

Why does it take so long to arrest someone if you know exactly who he is and where he lives?

When I asked Chauke at the court what happened to the second arrest he said “When he finds the time he will get to it. Everything was in the dossier,’ he told us.

“However he was very busy and doesn’t get paid enough,’ he said.

“We need that second suspect to get the full story in court about exactly how our mother was murdered.
The first suspect Mahlaba blames the second guy for everything.’

Brandon says he wants his mom’s murderer’s behind bars so that they won’t kill anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Volgens hom is die gemis die seerste. Hy en sy broer het daagliks minstens vier keer met hul ma gepraat. Sy was die een wat altyd daar was vir hulle.
    “Net iemand wat iemand so na aan jou weens iemand anders se aggressie verloor het, sal verstaan waardeur ons gaan. Dood weens natuurlike oorsake kan ’n mens nog verstaan, maar nie dood weens aggressie nie.”
    Die polisie het nie op herhaalde navrae gereageer nie.
