Thursday, January 16, 2014


Dear Shaun Higley

There is something important that you need to know about your property and assets.

Over the past few months, we have met with several experts. They bring up many important points which we have summarised for you in an easy-to-read document (see attached). One point in particular is most alarming:

If your loan gets sold into a securitisation pool (please read the attached cornerstone document for an explanation of securitisation), the bank loses all rights to your asset. However, what most people don’t realise is that the third party entity that secretly buys and trades with your asset may retain a legal right to it even if the loan has been paid off. 

If the entity that now owns your loan gets into financial difficulty (for example, due to economic conditions), then your assets are at risk. The problem is that you do not know if your loan has been securitised because the banks are refusing to disclose this information.

Therefore, the contract that you signed at the start of the loan may have put you at risk without you even knowing about it. NewERA takes exception to this lack of disclosure and we invite you to join us in legal action against all four major banks.

To join this case, please ensure that this form here has been completed. If you are currently involved in legal action with your bank, this action may suspend the proceedings against you.

It is time to make a stand.



Originating institution or finance house / office 
Loan Type 
Loan Account Number/Reference 
Value of Loan                                                                                    ZAR 
Outstanding amount owed on Loan (estimate)                                     ZAR 

Your Bank with Loan 3 
Originating institution or finance house / office 
Loan Type 
Loan Account Number/Reference 
Value of Loan                                                                                   ZAR 
Outstanding amount owed on Loan (estimate)                                    ZAR 

Your Bank with Loan 4 
Originating institution or finance house / office 
Loan Type 
Loan Account Number/Reference 
Value of Loan                                                                                   ZAR 
Outstanding amount owed on Loan (estimate)                                    ZAR 

Your Bank with Loan 5 
Originating institution or finance house / office 
Loan Type 
Loan Account Number/Reference 
Value of Loan                                                                                   ZAR 
Outstanding amount owed on Loan (estimate)                                    ZAR 

Yes, please send me a power of attorney so that I can formally join these proceedings

Dear Shaun

We would like to invite you to formally join our non-profit organisation, The New Economic Rights Alliance.

You may not be able to afford a donation or pay fees to matter, because either way this email applies to you!

As a non-profit organisation, we rely solely on donations and membership fees. This enables us to cover general office expenses, as well as the Constitutional Court in due course, and a team of researchers, attorneys and other advisors.

But please read further if you feel a membership is not for you, as we really need your support in another way. If you do not want to receive any comminication from us at all you may unsubscribe here, otherwise you will stay on our system as a subscriber and basic member to NewERA.

To explain, NewERA is currently serving a summons to the four big banks of South Africa to the High Court of South Africa which will hopefully lead to a class action with regards to open disclosure of certain banking procedures and the real plain english meaning behind some of their 'common' practices which leave us in the dark as to our rights and obligations. If you would like to read more about this case you may go to

We also have an interactive website up and running...go to

Our main intention, is for NewERA members to participate in this Court Case, thus benefitting by the delay in their own legal proceedings; and also, we hope to extrapolate the outcome to all our members' own cases. And to achieve this we need to have a tier of support from our members.

THE FIRST TIER consists of everyone! Including those who merely wish to express their support for NewERA.

Also, if you know of anyone who might need our services or perhaps would be prepared to complete our support form for the court action, please tell them about us and refer them by clicking here.

THE SECOND TIER is those who are not full members, but who donate any financial benefit to NewERA.
This may be considered as merely a donation towards our cause, research and court costs.

THE THIRD TIER of support would be from our full members. Who would also benefit from other services of NewERA. Read further below if you are interested and would like to know which other services NewERA provides to our members. (You may also upgrade your donation to a membership by paying the difference required.) Please click here where you will find details of our different membership offers.

Kindly complete the application form to become a full member. Your ID number is required so that you can be recorded as part of the Court Case. Be assured that your personal details will be kept confidential.

If you have any general queries please email

Please note that if you need to discuss your financial and legal affairs, a membership of at least three months is required. Your query will be answered by Shirree. Please do not expect legal or financial advice from professionals; we are merely laypersons :) with some experience and research under our belts, but we will do our best to guide you in the right direction.


As extra benefits to our full members we offer:
  • certain relevant communications to and from The Reserve Bank and the Human Rights Commission,
  • a recording of a talk given by our CEO,
  • the e-book: Application of Negotiable Instruments in SA Law by Gideon Robbertse, Bcomm LLB LLM H Dip Tax Law. If you would like to request this book, it is available at a discounted price for members; please
Certain findings and documents released by the various watchdog organisations, will be shared with full members,

Updates of various court cases attempting to instigate positive change in this country will also be disclosed,

We also perform public document searches (includes deeds office searches, company searches, court judgements, credit bureaux reports, etc.) as a member benefit at discounted prices. To request a search, please email

We provide useful links and the appropriate documents to download for yourOmbudsman complaints; please enquire via email to Shirree at,

We will guide you on how to do a PAIA request to your bank with regard to viewing/inspecting the original contracts/documentation. Please enquire at,

With change, we may assist those who suffer the adverse affects of banks and large corporations who place profits ahead of natural human rights.

To refer others who may be interested in our cause, please click here.

To become a full member of NewERA, please click here as your support is needed.

Always in gratitude!

-- The NewERA


This e-mail has been sent to from NewERA using an email, sms, fax and web integration tool calledMajestic. Not only is your data kept behind a secure firewall facility, but your data will not be sold, rented or given away to any third party without your express permission. If you receive communication using Majestic that you feel breaches ethical marketing standards, you can lodge a formal complaint by clicking here and Majestic will investigate the matter.

Click here to unsubscribe from all future e-mails from NewERA. Visit to view this e-mail online.

Too many newsletters? You can unsubscribe or better yet, schedule automatic cleanup.
Dear Shaun Higley

We have accumulated extraordinary evidence that shows that South African banks are operating unlawfully.
The New Economic Rights Alliance is about to serve a High Court summons on all four major banks. We will do this jointly with any Member who wishes to participate.

We hereby invite you to stand with us and formally join this cause of action. This is not a class action yet, it is a certification that the banks are breaking the law.

Those people who join this action are likely to have pending legal action against them temporarily suspended. 

Even if you have not defaulted on a loan, you will add significant weight to our case.

The grounds for the summons are outlined in the attached document, but they are primarily the following:
  1. The fractional reserve banking system (making money out of thin air) and the secularization process (secretly gambling with our money behind our backs) are breaches of South African law, go against the Constitution and are contra bones mores (against the basic morals of society).
  2. Banks are supposed to have a trusted legal relationship with their customers, called a Fiduciary. This relationship has been breached, all in the name of rampant profiteering.
  3. The above has resulted in prejudice, and this will set the scene for a full blown class action lawsuit.

To join us, we ask that you please complete this online form here which provides us with the relevant information.

There is no risk to you, but you do need to become a fully paying NewERA Member (minimum R300).
Once we file the court documents, we will not be able to add new people to this particular case. It is very important that you join now.

To join this case, please click here.

Let's make our stand.


This e-mail has been sent to from NewERA using an email, sms, fax and web integration tool calledMajestic. Not only is your data kept behind a secure firewall facility, but your data will not be sold, rented or given away to any third party without your express permission. If you receive communication using Majestic that you feel breaches ethical marketing standards, you can lodge a formal complaint by clicking here and Majestic will investigate the matter.

Click here to unsubscribe from all future e-mails from NewERA. Visit to view this e-mail online.

Too many newsletters? You can unsubscribe or better yet, schedule automatic cleanup.
Apologies for not getting back to you directly and personally yet. Because we mostly volunteer here at NewERA with one person managing the admin part time, and our inbox fills daily with thousands of emails, it is tricky to respond timeously and personally all the time. Therefore, please expect a delay of between 3 days and a week for a more personal response.

Otherwise, please take a look at the mail below for assistance which could more than likely answer your questions and the attached documents for reference.

If your request is urgent, please send me another email with the subject line ‘URGENT’ if you are unable to find assistance below.

Please note that even though we try our best to assist and support victims of bad banking practices, NewERA is fundamentally an organisation formed to research and disseminate information regarding banking practices and your rights, to further educate you and arm you with enough information to do your own research and manage your own affairs more effectively. At the end of the day, it really will be up to you to help yourself.

The donations and fees we receive assist us in carrying on with our research and informing the public at large.

The below email will address the following as support and assistance:

· If you have paid your membership or donation pledge and are still receiving reminders for payment or being notified that your membership has expired after you have paid

· If you need legal assistance

· If you would like to make contact with a reputable debt counsellor

· If you wish to unsubscribe from our mails

· If you require our banking details

· To become an actively paying member of NewERA

· To find more information about our older posts and more information for your own self research

If you have paid your membership or donation pledge and are still receiving reminders for payment or being notified that your membership has expired after you have paid

Please note that in the mails sent you as a reminder to pay your promised pledge or membership fees, there is a very bold and red statement early in the mail requesting that you click on that specific link to stop the reminders and reconcile the accounting once you have paid. Please go back to those mails and click on that link and submit the specific form relating to this and it will halt the reminders. If you are renewing your membership and have been notified that your membership has expired, please don’t panic, the system automates this response due to the above form not being submitted but you will always be considered a member and it may just take a while for admin to personally update the system.

If you need legal assistance

Please note that if you are currently in legal proceedings, NewERA cannot assist you. (Please see the third paragraph in the first letter to me)

We have realised that the best way that we can assist you and our members is to give you as much information as possible to arm yourself with the best way forward. The legal system just doesnt really support this work and they don't really know how to assist properly.

NewERA has now dispensed with tons of valuable information which has taken years of research to compile of which you can find on our website for your own research and

Even though we don’t formally refer members any longer to lawyers, if you really need legal assistance, send me an email with the subject line ‘URGENT – legal assistance required’ and I will get back to you with a reputable lawyer in Johannesburg and CT and they will then quote you for their assistance which will be at a less costly rate for our members.

If you would like to make contact with a reputable debt counsellor

I recommend that you read the information on / consumers

Here the DCI show legal letters and explain in detail. This is a very informative site and you should go into the Media section as well (hold the mouse over the menu to view the drop down) to keep on top of what they are doing as thjey update almost weekly as they are in the press. It is important for you to read this information as this will educate and empower you about the fight as well as your rights.

This was suggested to us by our debt counsellor as advice to give and if you need to contact her directly for assistance you can, her name is Deborah and email address is

If you have a serious complaint against the banks or how your issue has been handled with regards to a loan or any unfair action taken against you or just blatantly unfair process that needs to be lodged:
You should also always do the following;

1) Lodge a complaint with the NCR.
2) If no response in 7 days send to as he heads up this division
3) If no response in 7 days send to the Tribunal
4) At times also the Law Society, National Consumer Commissioner, Credit Ombuds as well as the Banking Ombuds, Estate Agents Board

· You must follow up on your complaints and not be complacent about them. There is a law in place and you need to ensure that your rights are adhered to and the only way to do this is to be persistant.

· If still nothing happens, can you imagine the press story or damages claim you will have

· Most consumers are lazy and want other people to short their issues out and if you are not prepared to spend time and energy in trying to help yourself, no one will ever be able to help you.

If you follow the above, legal action will stop at either the Tribunal, NCR or Ombuds – The DCI have had a matter with one of their clients at the Tribunal and Ombuds for 2 years and while it is there, they cannot touch her , but the process must be followed correctly otherwise it will be thrown out and you will be exposed.

There are no short cuts in this regards with any of the above processes.

If you wish to unsubscribe from our mails

You can do this yourself as there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of all our mails that you can click onto and it will take you to a form which you will need to submit to unsubscribe.

If you require our banking details

The banking details are 

Standard Bank
Account: 420011544 
Branch: RIVONIA 
Ref : Your first name and surname as it appears on our mailing list

To become an actively paying member of NewERA

To find more information about our older posts and more information for your own self research

Donations are always welcome even if you don’t want to be an actively paying member, but if you would like to , we have links in most our mails which you can click onto which will take you to a form populated with your information which you can submit for membership, otherwise you can go to our website and become one there. Please use the same email address as the one we send your mails to, otherwise you will receive duplicates to various email addresses.

NewERA has now dispensed with tons of valuable information which has taken years of research to compile of which you can find on our website for your own research and assistance.

You could also read the posted articles on our website to get you up to speed.

Please note our Constitution attached as well as other interesting and researchable information.

All the best and thank you


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