Sunday, January 5, 2014

Assaulted by black SAPS officer: Democratic Alliance councillor André Beetge, Amanzimtoti

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 11:27 AM PST

Democratic Alliance angered about death threats, physical attack against their Amanzimtoti ward councillor André Beetge by a black senior SAPS officer:
“The senior member on duty, a warrant officer in civilian attire, stormed out of the Community Centre and without any communication, threatened to arrest and incarcerate the (Mr André Beetge, the Democratic-Alliance town councillor). The warrant officer drew his service pistol, pointed it at the councillor and threatened to shoot him dead. He confiscated the councilor’s cellular phone and car keys, pushed the councillor up against the car, and whilst continuing his verbal abuse and swearing, assaulted the councillor by head butting him in the face. After further threats of violence and throwing both the car keys and the cellular phone at the Councillor, he allowed the Councillor and his spouse to depart.”
“The Democratic Alliance finds it beyond unacceptable that Amanzimtoti Ward Councillor Andre Beetge has been assaulted, threatened with a firearm and verbally abused by a senior SAPS officer while doing a routine check on policing in his town.

This occurred on Monday evening after the Amanzimtoti station commander, Colonel Mkize, expressed concern to the Councillor regarding the lack of municipal lighting at one of the beach parking areas, resulting not only in dangerous policing conditions, but a cloak of darkness leading to two alleged rapes on the weekend of 28/29 December 2013.

Although technically on recess, Councillor Beetge committed to look into the matter of having the lights switched on at night, reversing a decision by municipal officials who believed the darkness would result in people choosing not to utilizing the facility at night.

That same evening Councillor Beetge, accompanied by his spouse, went to examine the area and spotted several situations of possible solicitation for prostitution and possible illegal dealing in substances.

He noted three Amanzimtoti Metro Police vehicles attempting to enforce by laws in the vicinity of the darkened area, but no SAPS patrol vehicles.

He went to report in at the Amanzimtoti police station and found the missing SAPS vehicles clustered at the station while the officers in both uniformed and in civilian attire were having a braai. (barbeque)

The Councillor took a photo of the braai and immediately came under attack.

The senior member on duty, a warrant officer in civilian attire, stormed out of the Community Centre and without any communication, threatened to arrest and incarcerate the councillor, drew his service pistol, pointing it at the councillor and threatening to shoot him dead. He subsequently confiscated the councilor’s cellular phone and car keys, then pushed the councillor up against the car, and whilst continuing his verbal abuse and swearing, assaulted the councillor by head butting him in the face. After further threats of violence and throwing both the car keys and the cellular phone at the Councillor, he allowed the Councillor and his spouse to depart.

Councillor Beetge’s injuries were confirmed at the local hospital and a case of Crimen Injuria, pointing of a firearm and assault has been registered with the SAPS, in addition to being reported to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) in Durban.

This type of extreme aggression on the part of SAPS officers is being reported by innocent civilians in many areas of South Africa, and unless the Minister of Police makes some effort to get his officers under control, fewer and fewer citizens will even consider ever turning to the SAPS for assistance. The DA calls for the immediate suspension of this officer pending the outcome by the duel investigations of the SAPS and the IPID.

Contact: Councillor Andre Beetge 082 718 8137

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